This year, I am working with a co-worker to plan the ultimate Pi Day. My Pi-partner in Crime!
I have listed the activities I found on the internet during my search for Pi Day activities. Some of the activities I changed to fit my students, while others I kept the same.
I apologize because in my excitement, I forgot to document where I got some of the activities from. Again these are not my ideas, they are ideas of other educators that I altered for my students.
So I began with a Parent Letter for my parents to inform them of our celebration.
The activities will begin on Monday with creations of Glogsters, Posters, Spelling Pi, Pi Day facts QR Codes, and creating door decorations to decorate for Pi Day!
Math students will also be invited to participate in the Pi Day Scavenger Hunt. Entries will be due no later than Wednesday March 13th at 3:14 pm. Prizes will be awarded to winners.
Wednesday students will participate in a Discovering Pi activity and creating a video for the song Loosing Your Yourself (In The Digits) I found at We will share our video on Thursday during our Pi Day Celebration.
Thursday, Pi Day, students will participate in Pi Day Jeopardy , Pi Day Bracelet, and a party! Students will be invited to get Pi Day themed face painting and create a Pi Day T-shirt! On 3/14 at 1:59 pm a Happy Pi Day announcement will ring the halls of our school (gotta get permisssion first).
Pi Day Workout ~ A great way to begin your class!
~ Spirit Week
PInk Day ~ Wear something Pink!
Pi-rate Day ~ Dress like a Pirate!

Pi Day ~ Create and wear a Pi Day Shirt
~ Pi Eating Contest
As we plan more activities I will share them with you! If you have ideas, please leave a comment below.
After spending a few days at NCTIES, I got a lot of ideas on ways to integrate technology into our Pi Week Activities. Have fun:
Pi-tective History Hunt with QR Codes ~ This fun activity combines Tic-Tac-Toe and QR Codes to engage students in learning fun facts about Pi Day.
Pi Day Caroling ~ I found this great site that has severl Pi Day songs to familiar tunes! Check this one out!
The 12 Decimals of Pi Day
sung to the tune of "The 12 Days of Christmas"
sung to the tune of "The 12 Days of Christmas"
On the 14th of March my math teacher said to me
"Three-point-fourteen, approximately."
Meaning PI: more precise you don't really need to be
Than three-point-fourteen, approximately.
In the third de-ci-mal place of PI is just a "one"
Don't really need it
PI's good enough
at three-point-fourteen, approximately.
In the fourth de-ci-mal place of PI there is a "five"
Five ten-thousandths
Don't really need 'em
PI's good enough
at three-point-fourteen, approximately.
In the fifth de-ci-mal place of PI there is a "nine"
Nine hundred-thousandths
Why go any farther?
Don't really need 'em
PI's good enough
at three-point-fourteen, approximately!
©2002 Carolyn M. Morehouse
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