
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Digitally Speaking in Math with Voice Threads

As I was creating my codes, I decided to integrate Voice Thread into the activity as well. My co-worker introduced me to Voice Thread last week. Voice Thread is an engaging digital learning tool students can use to communicate in class. Voice Thread is a audio blog that allow students to record text and audio comments about uploaded images or sites.The basic account is free and allows you to create up to 5 threads.

I created a few threads for my students to use as Exit Slips for class next week. I have included an example below. In this example, we will a Order of Operations Voice Thread to review Order of Operations with students. The task will be for students to create a mnemonic device to remember the Order of Operations.

A TwitFriend sent me this link with good resources on Voice Threads. Check it out if you are interested in more information.

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