
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Video Blogging


A video blog is also known as a video log (v-log). It is created by embedding a video, video link, and supporting text and images.

Students can create a v-log to show their understanding of vocabulary words, steps/procedures, historical events, chapter reviews and more.

1. Determine the objective or your goal.
2. Assign a topic to each student or group.
3. Have students create a storyboard to help them record their video.
4. Record using any video recording and video editing software. We often use iMovie or Windows Movie Maker.
5. If you have a class blog, embed your students video on the blog. Web hosting sites such as Teacher Tube, School Tube, or Vimeo are also great.
6. Have students view their classmates v-log and post comments.

Use a rubric to assist in grading.

Video Blog for...
1. Historical Figures
2. Chapter Reviews
3. Vocabulary
4. Solving Mathematical Equations (Great way to assess student understanding)
5. Current Events

For a project with directions and rubrics visit our Store!

Visit our Printables, Directions, Lessons, Oh My Page or  V-Log Assignment for a sample project adaptable for all subject areas!

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