
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Interactive Vocabulary with Go Animate

Completing our Vocab Animation Video in class today using GoAnimate. All students had one word to define and explain. Once they created it, students posted them on thier blog (it is their digital journal) using Kidblog. Tomorrow students will view each post to review vocabulary. Check out Alex's video. #education #teaching #mathchat #edchat #technology

I believe mathematics is a language. If students want to be successful in this language, learning and understanding vocabulary is important. I think students who have a strong understanding in their vocabulary are more successful in math.

Today in class, we used Go Animate to create animated videos to learn vocabulary for Unit 2. Each student was provided with a vocabulary word for the unit and was instructed to creatively create a video that defines and explain their word.

They really enjoyed the creativity process of creating a mini movie to share. The project took one class period (45 - 60 minutes). Students wanted to make sure they had the best video for viewing. After creating their video, students used Kid Blog to post their video.

This semester students are using Kid Blog as a digital video to record their educational experience in Common Core math. I have found it to be an excellent digital learning tool to integrate writing in my course and as a digital journey to record student experiences.

During class tomorrow, students will visit all of their classmates blog to record the definition of the words for the unit. Students will be required to comment to at least 2 other classmates' blog.

For a copy of the Video Animation Project with Rubric visit my store.

Example of student work:
Alex on Histograms
Labrica on Standard Deviation

Visit my Guest Blog on Go Animate!

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