
Monday, January 21, 2013

Go Animate

Creating animated movies for students is one of the best activity to promote creativity and engage students in learning. One of my favorite website to accomplish this task is GoAnimate. It is very easy to use. The basic site is free to create an animated movie, but if you would like to upgrade they have that option as well.

This new semester I want my students to be engage in learning vocabulary using different digital tools. We will begin our semester using Go Animate to create animated movies to explain key terms in the unit.

Students will go to the site, create a short movie that explains the word, and then share thier movie.
See the example:

What is a Dot Plot? by youngfm on GoAnimate

Video Maker - Powered by GoAnimate.

 To share our videos, student will complete a Vocabulary Gallery Walk. This and many other strategies can be found in my book, A Collection of Digital Instructional Tools.

For a copy direcions and rubric, purchase a copy of my new e-Book PLANKS ! Great projects with directions and rubrics!

Follow me on Twitter: @DreamMakersNC

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