
Friday, December 21, 2012

On the 4th Day...4 Digital Tools to Involve Parents

4 Ways to Involve Parents Using Digital Tools

Involving parents in their child’s educational experience is the most important task for teachers. It is important to make sure parents are aware of their child’s success and failures in their educational journey. To ensure students are successful in education it takes a team…the student, the parent(s), and the teacher. This digital tools below can help provide teachers with the opportunity to share the student’s educational experience with their parents.

1.       Remind 101 – Free, safe way for teachers to text message students and stay in touch with parents. The setup for both teachers and parents are easy. I use Remind 101 to update parents on upcoming assignments, assessments, dates to remember, etc.

2.       Micro-Blogging – Twitter is a great way to keep parents update on what is happening in the classroom. Create a class account and invite parents to participate in their child’s daily learning.

3.       EDU 2.0/Engrade – Our school has EDU 2.0, this is very similar to Blackboard. EDU 2.0 provide parents with access to assignments, notes, email, grades, and more. Although not free, it is a great investment provided by our district. If you do not have EDU 2.0, Engrade is another opportunity to grant parents access to student grading. When I first started teaching I used Engrade and it was definitely have valuable tool for my parents.

4.       Video Conferencing – Invite parents in your daily class experiencing using Skype. Parents can see daily learning and interactions of their child through the use of this tool. Invite parents to share career experiences for certain concepts being students to provide student with real world applications.


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